Upcoming Events for Parents: January and February 2015

1.  General Meeting of HSA and SAC on January 13th, 2015 at 7pm in the Library at RHM.  All RHM parents are encouraged and welcome to attend.  Our new trustee, Jennifer Story, will be a guest that evening.
2.  February 7th is our Annual Parent Conference to be held in the RHM Gym on Saturday February 7, 2015 at 10am.  Jennifer Kolari will be the guest speaker.  The event is free but registration must be made through www.munchalunch.com for attendance and childcare in order that the proper arrangements be made.
3.  On February 12th (parent teacher interviews are taking place that night and it’s the night before  the PA day/Family day weekend) the HSA will be hosting a Teacher appreciation dinner for the RHM teachers.  We will be preparing and serving a buffet Italian dinner in the conference room from 4pm  to 7pm.  Volunteers are needed for prep, service and clean up. Please contact mcgregor.matters@gmail.com if you are available to help.
4. February 20th will be our next McGregor Movie Night (film TBA) with all proceeds being donated to the McGregor Wired campaign.  Volunteers are needed. Please contact mcgregor.matters@gmail.com if you are available to help.
5.  Our Gingerbread Fundraiser for the Red Door Family Shelter on Dec. 12th was a big success, raising $1700 for the organization.  We will be presenting the cheque to the shelter on January 14th, at which time I will receive more information to be shared on how said monies will be used.
6.  Registration for this term’s Pizza Lunch Program is currently under way on www.munchalunch.com.  Our first lunch of the term takes place on January 16th (next Friday) so parents are encouraged to register as soon as possible.

The R.H. McGregor Home & School Association
The HSA is a group of parents who volunteer their time to represent all RHM families and lead, with the assistance of many more volunteer parents, fundraising efforts and extracurricular activities for RHM children.

Decorate a Gingerbread House or Person and Raise Money for the Red Door Shelter!

By Shane Wilson Co-Chair of Fundraising, R.H. McGregor Home and School Association Greetings parents in the RH community! It’s that time of year!  The time when we get the opportunity to create memories with our children of the heartwarming holiday tradition of gingerbread decoration whilst simultaneously truly experiencing the pleasure of giving for a cause that […]

McGregor Wired: A Targeted Technology Fundraising Campaign

McGregor Wired

About McGregor Wired:
McGregor Wired is a targeted technology fundraising campaign aimed at improving technology use at R.H. McGregor. The fundraising campaign supports the school’s information technology improvement plan and is fully aligned with the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) action plan on technology.
Our goal is to enable access to technology at the school that will transform the way students learn and help prepare them for how they’ll use technology in the future.
We recognize that today’s students are part of the digital age. How students are learning is changing and it’s important that we engage them using technology to enhance and enrich their learning!
What you can do:
Make a tax deductible donation to McGregor Wired by writing a cheque to TDSB – RH McGregor noting it is for the “Wired” campaign. Drop it off at the school office. Cheques in excess of $25 will receive a tax deductible receipt from the Board.
Get involved! We need parents with technology expertise, fundraising experience, grant writing an advocacy skills. You can email us at McGregorSAC@gmail.comand follow us on Twitter @McGregorWired.